Serious Games for Serious Problems.

Academic Publications

The following is a listing of the 200+ most cited academic publications on Serious Games and related research. Links to the original sources are included where available.

Academic Papers

Alamri A., Hassan M. M., Hossain M. A., Al-Qurishi M., Aldukhayyil Y., Hossain M. S. (2014) Evaluating the impact of a cloud-based serious game on obese people. Computers in Human Behavior 30: 468–475. Google Scholar CrossRef

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Anderson E. F., McLoughlin L., Liarokapis F., Peters C., Petridis P., de Freitas S. (2010). Developing serious games for cultural heritage: A state-of-the-art review. Virtual Reality, 14, 255–275. Google Scholar

Anderson, L., Krathwohl, R., Airasian, P., Cruikshank, K., Mayer, R., Pintrich, P., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M. (Eds.) (2001). Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy. New York, NY: Longman.

Angehrn A., Maxwell K., Luccini M., Rajola F., Designing Effective Collaboration, Learning and Innovation Systems for Education Professionals, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 5 No. 2, 2009.

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Arnab S., Lim T., Carvalho M. B., Bellotti F., de Freitas S., Louchart S., Suttie N., Berta R. and De Gloria A., “Mapping Learning and Game Mechanics for Serious Games Analysis”, British Journal of Educational Technology, in press.

Arnab S., Lim T., Carvalho M. B., Bellotti F., Freitas S., Louchart S., De Gloria A. (2015) Mapping learning and game mechanics for serious games analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology 46(2): 391–411. Google Scholar CrossRef

Arnab, S., & Clarke, S. (2015). Towards a transdisciplinary methodology for a game-based intervention development process. British Journal of Educational Technology. Advance Online publication. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12377

Baalsrud Hauge J., Bellotti F., Berta R., Carvalho M. B., De Gloria A., Lavagnino E., Nadolski R., Ott M., Field assessment of Serious Games for Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, Journal of Convergence Information Technology , pp. 1-12, Volume8, Number13, August 2013

Bachen, C. M., Hernández-Ramos, P. F., & Raphael, C. (2012). Simulating REAL LIVES: Promoting global empathy and interest in learning through simulation games. Simulation & Gaming, 43(4) –

Bastos N. P., Morán Sánchez-Cantón B., Hervello Costas I., ENTRExplorer: a Serious Game for Immersive Entrepreneurs, Atas do Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning. Braga: CIEd., 2012

Bauckhage C., Kersting K., Sifa R., Thurau C., Drachen A., Canossa A., How players lose interest in playing a game: An empirical study based on distributions of total playing times. CIG 2012, 139-146

Bawden D. (2008). Origins and concepts of digital literacy. In Lankshear C., Knobel M. (Eds.), Digital literacies: Concepts, policies & practices (pp. 17–32). New York, NY: Peter Lang. Google Scholar

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Bellotti F., Berta R. and De Gloria A., “Designing Effective Serious Games: Opportunities and Challenges for Research”, Special Issue: Creative Learning with Serious Games, Int.l Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), Special Issue: Creative Learning with Serious Games Vol. 5, 2010, pp. 22-35

Bellotti F., Berta R., De Gloria A., D’Ursi A., and Fiore V.. 2012. A serious game model for cultural heritage. ACM J. Comput. Cult. Herit. 5, 4, 2012

Bellotti F., Berta R., De Gloria A., Lavagnino E., Antonaci A., Dagnino F., Ott M., (2013a), “A Gamified Short Course for Promoting Entrepreneurship among ICT Engineering Students”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2013, Bejing, China, July, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-1642-2, DOI 10.1109/ICALT.2013.1.

Bellotti F., Berta R., De Gloria A., Primavera L., “Adaptive Experience Engine for Serious Games”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Vol 1, No. 4, 2009

Bellotti F., Berta R., Ferretti E., DeGloria A., and Margarone M., “VeGame: Field Exploration of Art and History in Venice”, IEEE Computer, special issue on Handheld Computing, Vol. 36, No. 9. pp. 48-55 September 2003.

Bellotti, F., Kapralos, B., Lee, K., Moreno-Ger, P., and Berta, R., (2013b), “Assessment in and of Serious Games: An Overview”, Hindawi Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2013

Bente G., and J. Breuer. Making the implicit explicit: Embedded measurement in serious games. In Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects. U. Ritterfield, M. J. Cody, P. Vorderer (Eds.), Mahwah, NJ: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. 2009

Berger F., Liapis A., Yannakakis G. (2012). Prototyping an adaptive educational game for conflict resolution. In ITS 2012 Workshop: Emotion in Games for learning. Crete, Greece. Google Scholar

Berta R., Bellotti F., De Gloria A., Pranantha D., Schatten C., “Electroencephalogram and Physiological Signal Analysis for Assessing Flow in Games”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, Vol. 5, No. 2, 567-578, 164-175, June 2013

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Boendermaker W. J., Prins P. J., Wiers R. W. (2015) Prevention in Addiction: Using serious games to (re) train cognition in Dutch adolescents. In: Gobel S., Ma M., Hauge J. B., Oliveira M. F., Wiemeyer J., Wendel V. (eds) Serious Games, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 173–178. Google Scholar CrossRef

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Cheong Y.-G., Khaled R., Grappiolo C., Campos J., Martinho C., Ingram G. P., Yannakakis G. (2011). A computational approach towards conflict resolution for serious games. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games (pp. 15–22). Bordeaux, France: ACM. Google Scholar

Chi-Husiung Liang, “Solving family communication problems between children and parents by using Mobile Serious Games,” Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 2012 15th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 26-28 Sept. 2012

Chiang Y. T., Cheng C. Y., and Lin S. S. J., “The Effects of Digital Games on Undergraduate Players’ Flow Experiences and Affect,” in proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL ’08)

Clark D., Learning by playing: can computer games and simulations support teaching and learning for post-16 learners in formal, workplace and informal learning contexts? Computer games in education and training. Presentation at LSDA seminar London, November 2003.

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Cole S. W., Yoo D. J., Knutson B. (2012) Interactivity and reward-related neural activation during a serious videogame. PLoS One 7(3): e33909. Google Scholar CrossRef, Medline

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Connolly, T.M., Boyle, E.A., Stansfield, M.H., and Hainey, T., “The Potential of Online Games as a Collaborative Learning Environment”, Journal of Advanced Technology for Learning, 2007

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De Lope, R. P., Díaz, D., Jerónimo, J., Medina-Medina, N., & García, C. (2015). Videojuegos serios en educación infantil y primaria [Serious video games in early childhood and primary education]. X Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados [X Spanish Congress on Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Algorithms], MAEB, 479–487.

De Lope, R. P., Medina-Medina, N., Paderewski, P., & Gutiérrez-Vela, F. L. (2015). Design methodology for educational games based on interactive screenplays. II Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego [Conference of the Spanish Society for Video Game Science], CoSECiVi, 1–12.

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Djaouti D., Alvarez J., Jessel J.P., Methel G., Molinier P., “A Gameplay Definition through Videogame Classification”, International Journal of Computer Game Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Quarter 1, 2008.

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