The International Journal of Serious Games (IJSG) “publishes original papers of significant and lasting value in all areas related to design, development, deployment and assessment of digital Serious Games (SGs). The journal encourages submission of manuscripts that enhance the theoretical foundations of game-based learning and SG design, show innovative technological solutions aimed to improve teaching and learning, and/or provide user studies about deployment of SGs in educational or corporate training settings. Papers investigating business/product analysis and market penetration are welcome as well.
eLearning Industry: Serious Games claims to have “all the newest articles about Serious Games, written by our top eLearning authors.”
IMMERSe (Theme 4: Serious Games and Games-Based Learning) seeks to “expand on and integrate new and existing knowledge of the player’s experience; help to further Canada’s position in the digital games industry; connect and create synergies between stakeholders; expand research and development capabilities in Canada; and, in co-operation with industry, train highly qualified personnel to work in this burgeoning field (while furthering) games research that carry over into other important areas of research, including interface design, the psychology of play, education, addiction, and human-computer interaction.”
JMIR Serious Games is “a multidisciplinary journal devoted to computer/web/mobile applications that incorporate elements of gaming to solve serious problems such as health education/promotion, teaching and education, or social change. The journal also considers commentary and research in the fields of video games violence and video games addiction.”
The Serious Games SIG (Special Interest Group) “serves as a focal point for discussion and debate on Serious Games for developers, academics, and others with an interest in the field on topics including, but not limited to best practices, lessons from the industry at large, opportunities and challenges in the field and what constitutes a Serious Game?”
Serious Games and Learning: An Annotate Bibliography (2016) is a
“compilation of abstracts of peer reviewed research on serious computer games with a focus on gamification and learning. It focuses on peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers that have primarily been published during the period 2005-2015.
Games Studies Theses is “a list of Master’s and Doctoral theses that have been completed that have to do with serious games (and in some cases more broadly with digital games)” maintained by Katrin Becker from 2000-2009.
“Serious Games” search on Google Scholar currently lists over 2.1 million results.
Games for Health Journal is “the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the impact of game research, technologies, and applications on human health and well-being. This ground-breaking publication delivers original research that directly impacts this emerging, widely-recognized, and increasingly adopted area of healthcare.”The Games and Meaningful Play group of faculty and students and the GEL Lab (Games for Entertainment and Learning) bring together diverse experts who design and study meaningful play and serious games.
The Games and Meaningful Play is part of the GEL Lab (Games for Entertainment and Learning at The Media and Information department at Michigan State University. This group aims to “bring together diverse experts who design and study meaningful play and serious games.”
GAME-BASED LEARNING is “a news and information service aimed at increasing the amount of information available for those interested in developing and funding new educational games for children and young adults. The site is a wholly independent news and information service run asa nonprofit news organization by a team of reporters and researchers interested in strengthening the entire learning games industry.”
The International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) is “devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. To achieve this aim, the journal publishes theoretical manuscripts, empirical studies, and literature reviews. The journal publishes this multidisciplinary research from fields that explore the cognitive and psychological aspects that underpin successful educational video games.”
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) “aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of technology enhanced learning (and) aims to bridge the gap between pure academic research journals and more practical publications.”
The Journal of Game Design and Development Education (JGDDE) is “a peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of teaching the art, craft and science of game design and development to students in and out of a higher education setting.”
The Immersive Education Initiative is “a non-profit international collaboration of educational institutions, research institutes, museums, consortia and companies. The Initiative was established in 2005 with the mission to define and develop standards, best practices, technology platforms, training and education programs, and communities of support for virtual worlds, virtual reality, augmented and mixed reality, simulations, game-based learning and training systems, and fully immersive environments such as caves and domes.” The Journal of Immersive Education is the official publication of the Immersive Education Initiative.
The Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) “publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training (in) interactive learning environments.”
The Journal of Immersive Education (JiED) is the open-access, peer-reviewed “journal of record for the global Immersive Education Initiative.”
The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) is “a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of electronic games and computer-mediated simulations. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature; it publishes research from fields and disciplines that share the goal of improving the foundational knowledge base of games and simulations.”
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation is “a web-based publication of the University of Wolverhampton UK.”
The International Journal of Interactive Worlds (IJIW) aims “to disseminate research conducted in the area of Interactive Worlds and its related domains. Ranging from mobile devices that augment the real world to the virtual environments of simulations and computer games, Interactive Worlds have established themselves as elements of everyday life.”
The Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds “focuses on theoretical and applied, empirical, critical, rhetorical, creative, economic and professional approaches to the study of electronic games across platforms and genres as well as ludic and serious online environments.”
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is “a trans-disciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research.”
Military Simulation and Training (MS&T) Magazine produces editorially independent features in each of its five editions annually alongside industry news, analysis and coverage of recent events. The publication also delivers conference previews and reports. Its editors and contributors have extensive and unrivaled experience within the simulation and training (S&T) arena accrued during prominent careers within the military and S&T industry.
Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research “has served as a leading international forum for the exploration and development of simulation/gaming methodologies used in education, training, consultation, and research. It appraises academic and applied issues in the expanding fields of simulation, computer- and internet-mediated simulation, virtual reality, educational games, video games, industrial simulators, active and experiential learning, case studies, and related methodologies.”
The Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification (JGGAG) is “a blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal that publishes original papers on all branches of the academic areas and communities.”
The American Journal of Play is “a forum for discussing the history, science, and culture of play. The Journal aims to increase awareness and understanding of the role of play in learning and human development and the ways in which play illuminates cultural history.”
Board Game Studies Journal “is an academic journal for historical and systematic research on board games. Its object is to provide a forum for board games research from all academic disciplines in order to further our understanding of the development and distribution of board games within an interdisciplinary academic context.”
Eludamos is the journal for Computer Games Culture.
Entertainment Computing “publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles and serves as a forum for stimulating and disseminating innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, empirical investigations, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of digital entertainment, new media, entertainment computing, gaming, robotics, toys and applications among researchers, engineers, social scientists, artists and practitioners. Theoretical, technical, empirical, survey articles and case studies are all appropriate to the journal.”
G|A|M|E is the Italian Journal of Game Studies and is a journal dedicated to a comparative, critical and theoretical analysis of videogames.”
Game & Puzzle Design “is a peer-reviewed print journal publishing high quality work on all aspects of game and puzzle design. The journal aims to bring together designers and researchers from a variety of backgrounds, to foster a deeper understanding of games and facilitate the creation of new high quality games and puzzles. We are particularly interested in the intersection between traditional and digital game design, and the points at which these disciplines converge and diverge.”
The Games Journal was “a monthly magazine about boardgames which ran from July, 2000 until September, 2005” and continues to host archives of all past issues and articles.
The International Computer Games Association “aims to be a site of prime interest to computer-game enthusiasts across a wide spectrum of games.”
The International Journal of Computer Game Research is “a non-profit, open-access, cross-disciplinary journal dedicated to games research, web-published several times a year… (with a) primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games, but any previously unpublished article focused on games and gaming.”
The IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG) publishes archival journal quality original papers in computational intelligence and related areas in artificial intelligence applied to games, including but not limited to videogames, mathematical games, human–computer interactions in games, and games involving physical objects. Emphasis is placed on the use of these methods to improve performance in and understanding of the dynamics of games, as well as gaining insight into the properties of the methods as applied to games. It also includes using games as a platform for building intelligent embedded agents for the real world.”
The International Journal of Computer Game Development and Education (CGDEIJ) is “an open access peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that covers all aspects of video game creation, implementation, testing and deployment as well as education.”
The International Journal of Computer Games Technology is “a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research and review articles on both the research and development aspects of games technology covering the whole range of entertainment computing and interactive digital media.”
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education “aims to provide a vehicle for scholarly presentation and exchange of information between professionals, researchers and practitioners in the technology-enhanced education field, contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding the use of technology and computers in higher education and inform readers about the latest developments in the application of information technologies (ITs) in higher education learning, training, research and management.”
The International Journal of Game Theory and Technology ( IJGTT) is “an open access peer-reviewed journal that helps bridge together both the research and development aspects of games theory and technology.”
The International Journal of Play is “an inter-disciplinary publication focusing on all facets of play. It aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities.”
The International Journal of Role-Playing aims “to act as a hybrid knowledge network, and bring together the varied interests in role-playing and the associated knowledge networks, e.g. academic research, the games and creative industries, the arts and the strong role-playing communities.”
The Journal of Games Criticism (JGC) is “a non-profit, peer-reviewed, open-access journal which aims to respond to these cultural artifacts by extending the range of authors to include both traditional academics and popular bloggers. The journal strives to be a producer of feed-forward approaches to video games criticism with a focus on influencing gamer culture, the design and writing of video games, and the social understanding of video games and video games criticism.”
The Well Played Journal is “a forum for in-depth close readings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game.”
The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies “is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization, which is relevant to the design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative interactive systems.”
The International Journal of Virtual Reality (IJVR) is “a professional journal dedicated to the promotion and publication of new research and technology in the realm of Virtual Reality. The information regarding this new and constantly emerging technology is of interest to computer media professionals worldwide as well as others interested in the expanding potential of virtual reality. The journal has been published since 1995 when virtual reality was still in its infancy.”
The International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (IJVAR) presents interdisciplinary research on the technological, social, legal, and policy implications of virtual and mixed reality integration and how the division between real and virtual worlds is becoming less distinct. Fostering interdisciplinary applied research and a unique forum for novel solutions for virtual immersion and mixed reality, the articles found within IJVAR are essential to the research needs of graduate-level students, researchers, and professionals interested in topics relevant to the digitization of everyday life.
The Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting is “an open access E-journal covering advanced media technology for the integration of human computer interaction and modern information systems. The main focus is on the creation of synergies between such basic technologies as computer graphics and state-of-the-art broadcasting techniques.”
Virtual Creativity (VCR) / Formerly “MetaVerse Creativity” is “an academic peer-reviewed journal focusing on creativity in online virtual worlds and other related platforms where the virtual is examined as a central theme in contemporary media art practices and applied contexts. Pieces exploring the subject of digital creativity are sought from the broad perspective of Art, Science and Technology, in what is a widespread field of discourse. One focus of the journal is an examination of creative activity in the metaverse – from art, design and architecture, to research and education, to play and entertainment. Additionally, Virtual Creativity seeks to engage with ways in which the virtual reflects upon the implications of the physical.”
Virtual Reality Journal aims “to disseminate research and provoke discussion in the area of Virtual Reality (across) a wide range of topics including Virtual Reality Technology and Software Systems, Design of VR systems and VEs, Human Factors, Virtual Reality Applications, Assessment of Virtual Reality Systems, Philosophical and Ethical Issues, and Advances Relevant to Virtual Reality.”